When You Reach Me - Book Review

Reading When You Reach Me was a pleasant surprise. Not one I would normally have chosen to read, though having seen it recommended by Goodreads in the Magical Realism section (complete with rave 4+ star reviews) I was confident that I'd enjoy a good story at least! Many describe When You Reach Me as a YA title, though MLN readers are probably aware that such genre associations bother me not one bit. It is certainly a coming of age story, complete with the angst of teenage friendship and first crushes. But throughout it is threaded with just the right amount of sci-fi and magic to seem realistic, the type of story I enjoy reading the most. As you read, you might like to imagine this as a film which has absolutely no need for special effects... The story is told in the first person by Miranda, a sixth grader with a deep love of Madeline D'engel's A Wrinkle in Time . A strange homeless man has taken up residence beneath the post box on her street, and her childhood friend doe...