The Marvels by Brian Selznick - Book Review

The Marvels by Brian Selznick Amanda Kennedy January 26th, 2016 5 / 5 stars Brian Selznick's The Marvels, weaves two seemingly unrelated stories together using the different mediums of pictures and words. The first part (around two-thirds) of the novel is told entirely in pictures. Beginning in 1766 it charts the voyage and shipwreck of Billy Marvel, and the generations of Marvel actors who follow. The second prose part begins in 1990 and centers on Joseph, who has run away from boarding school to live with his uncle in his mysterious London home. Let me begin by saying that I adore this book! Being my first experience of Selznick's literary work, I was awed by the difference in approach to storytelling. My daughter and I "read" the first part of the book together at bedtimes, marvelling over the detail in Selznick's illustrations; the subtle implications of the plot. The second part I read alone, finding the change of pace a little difficult at first. Severa...