The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Adieh - Review

The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Adieh Reviewed by Amanda Kennedy on February 23rd, 2016 I can't help it: I'm drawn to pretty books. Even more so to beautiful, gilded, hardcover editions which make my bookshelves come alive by their addition. "Don't judge a book by it's cover" they say. In this case, I would have happily made an exception, should the content fail to deliver the promise of exquisite packaging. I am very, very happy to say that the promise was kept. The Wrath and the Dawn is a retelling of the legend of Sherezade: storyteller extraordinaire, who by means of plot twists and cliffhangers was able to spare herself execution at the hands of a violent king. Our heroine of this tale is named Shahrzad ( Shazi, as she is known to those she holds dear). After the death of her closest friend at the hands of the boy-king, Khaled, Shahrzad vows to infiltrate the royal court in the guise of Khaled's next bride, searching for an opportunity to rid ...