Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce - Review

Alanna the First Adventure (Song of the Lioness #1) by Tamora Pierce Reviewed by Amanda Kennedy on May 18th, 2016 A short while back, I entered Waterstones and excitedly asked an assistant if she could help me find a book from my childhood without knowing the title. "It's about a girl called Alanna," I explained, "She pretends to be a boy so that she can become a knight, and is adopted by her mentor, a man called Myles." I fully expected the bookseller to be confounded by my vague description. After all, this was a book I'd read in my childhood, almost thirty years ago, and I could remember neither title nor author. So I was both shocked and delighted when she could immediately solve my riddle. Particularly as the first book in the series was in stock and ready to purchase... Alanna is the first in a quadrilogy following the adventures of the titled heroine. We first meet her and her twin, Thom, as they are preparing to be sent of to their appropriate...