Sweet Harmony by Claire North - Book Review
I was really pleased to discover that Claire North had written a new title. Everything of hers I've read so far has been insightful, intelligent and hugely enjoyable. Sweet Harmony is no exception: though a shorter novella than her standard books, it packs a punch in its exploration of human nature through a slightly dystopian setting in the near future. The plot centers around Harmony: a young woman dissatisfied with her appearance and her life, who chooses to seek assistance from"nanos": a new technology to physically aid and enhance our bodies. The plot shifts between the recent past and the present, in which Harmony is in debt, and unable to continue payments for her nano packages. We learn how Harmony found herself in this situation: her dissatisfaction that her "plain" physical appearance proved a barrier to her career; the abusive relationship which led to a breakdown... It reads like an episode of the TV series, Black Mirror, in which every word and sentence is perfectly chosen for maximum impact.Claire North is a master storyteller who, in my opinion, is not promoted anywhere near enough for her talent with the written word. If you haven't yet read any of her work, start with this as a short introduction, then follow up with one of her excellent novels (I'd suggest The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, or The Pursuit of William Abbey). Thanks to Orbit and Netgalley for the advance reader copy in return for my honest review.Sweet Harmony by Claire North will be released on September 22nd, 2020.Reviewed by Amanda Kennedy on 07/09/2020. Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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